
Showing posts from 2018

Soc 101 frq answer

How does the movie 13th characterize criminal justice system and political systems? How are discrimination and mass incarceration related? How is this different from Feigen? Give summary of the film. Give definition of discrimination. · Discrimination: actions or practices carried out by members of dominant racial or ethnic groups that have a differential and negative impact on members of subordinate racial and ethnic groups

Soc 101 free response answer

A student remarked isn’t a child’s death horrible. Explain the cultural shift from useful to useless child and the moral justifications that come along to both sides. 

Soc 101 free response answers

A politician recently said: “The American Dream is real. In the U.S., every child is born with the same opportunities for economic success.” How would Robert Reich (in the film Inequality for All) critique this statement? In support of your answer: a) Describe the social structural realities discussed in the film. OR b) Describe the “model of society” Reich offers. Is it more in line with Marx’s model or Weber’s model? Explain each model and defend your opinion with examples from the film.

Sociology 101 Free Response answers

A politician recently said: “The American Dream is real. In the U.S., every child is born with the same opportunities for economic success.” How would Annette Lareau (Invisible Inequality: Social Class and Childrearing in Black Families and White Families) critique this statement? In support of your answer: a) Describe the different childrearing strategies of the two social class groups. b) Discuss what effects these strategies have on interactions outside the home. Discuss the overall consequences for the two social class groups.

“How to Tame a Wild Tongue” Analysis

In “How to Tame a Wild Tongue”, Anzaldua experiences a “contact zone”, a meeting of different cultures on uneven terms due to a power difference, with the intermixing of her American and Mexican cultures (Pratt 34). Because of the existing nature of dominant and subordinate roles within this contact zone, Anzaldua incorporates both Chicano Spanish and English into her daily life as an act to lessen the power difference, allowing her Mexican culture to take a more influential part in her life.  

Soc 101 Nurses and Routinization Analysis

Routinization is an organized system of procedures and patterns over an extended period of time that people closely follow. In the case of a hospital, the jobs of nurses are part of routinization. It is important to routinize tasks in a hospital because the unexpected or upsetting events that arise need to become “ordinary and mundane” to a nurse. Nurses need to learn how to mentally and emotionally control themselves when faced with instances such as deformed newborns and witnessing leg amputations. They cannot be upset or panicked because this would negatively affect the patients. Thus for these reasons, nurses need to learn how to tackle these traumatic cases casually through routinization. Routinization in a hospital involves four key aspects that revolve around learning the geography, language, techniques, and patients according to Chamblis. For learning the geography, the nurses must familiarize themselves with the physical setting of the hospital. For example, they must know

Racism in Ancient Greek and American Slavery Reflection

Although not connected, American and Ancient slavery had similar images and ideas that arose from the practice as noted by Kelly L. Wrenhaven. I agree with this because people have a set view and image of what a “slave” should look like. For instance, American slavery is highly linked to race, and

Social Norms Experiment Research Paper

Introduction For this social experiment, I violated social norms by walking around with an open umbrella in an indoor area, specifically down the halls of the residence halls. Typically, umbrellas are apparatuses associated with outdoor areas on days with precipitation, most of the times that being rain. In most cases in our society, umbrellas are given the role of protecting our hair, skin, clothes,

QTM project using R

--- title: "QTM Project" output: html_document --- ```{r setup, include=FALSE} knitr::opts_chunk$set(echo = TRUE) ``` For this QTM project, **I am interested in whether the amount of fries in a large order versus a small order justifies the higher cost**, and I will conduct a **two sample t test** with the data I have gathered. By doing this experiment, I want to figure out which size fries is a better deal so that the next time I know which size I should order with my 20 piece chicken nuggets. Assumptions for the two sample t test: * **Randomization**: For this experiment, I used three different McDonald’s locations (Duluth, Suwanee, Decatur) on three different days to randomize my sample. At each location, my friends/family and I ordered 5 small and 5 large Fries to get a total sample of 15 small fries and 15 large fries. * **Indepedence**: The sample values are independent of each other. The price of small fries did not affect the price of large fries and

Italian 101 cooking skit script

every one: Ciao person 1 : Come stai? person 2 :Sto stanca. Ho avuto una giornata lunga. person 3 : Anch’io. Non ho mangiato. Ho molta fame. person 4 : Che cosa mangiamo per la cena? person 1 : Andiamo al ristorante in Emory Village? person 2 : No, non ho i soldi person 3 : si. Cuciamo per la cena person 4 : non cucino mai. person 3 : mi piace cucinare person 1 : bene. Cuciamo il cibo facile ed economico. person 2: la cucina per i studenti universitari   person 4 : che cosa dovremmo cucinare? person 3 : andiamo alla cucina a vedere person 3: Bon apetit person 2: La cena per due dollari Mmmm person 4 : pasta gourmet Hahaha person 3 : Mi piace la pasta person 1 : Anchio ma io preferisco risotto. La prossima volta, andiamo cucinare risotto! person 4 : Mi piace frutti di mare. Andiamo cucinare il pesce Eww nooo. person 2: e il dolce? person 3 : ooo tiramisu person 4 : noo il gelato!! person 1 : non ho l

ANT 201 Quiz 6 Study guide

Emergence of Homo What was the main characteristic about climate during the Pleistocene (Ice Ages) that was different from what came before? Ice ages! But icy only in Eurasia Characterized by large climatic shifts, and some of the coldest global climates in over 450 million years Know at least three selective pressures faced by early Homo that came with these changes in climate Seasonal environment Terrestrial predators Heat stress Mosaic environments Competition with other animals Competition among themselves Know three characteristics of the head of early Homo that are derived (new) from those of Australopithecus Rounded cranium  Smaller molars and premolars Gracile mandible Large incisors Rounded maxilla (upper jaw) Brow ridges Cranial capacity > 500cc In what parts of Africa has early Homo been found? East and south africa Early homo = Pan African. Not just East/South Africa Which genera of hominins are found at the same time as early