Soc 101 frq answer

How does the movie 13th characterize criminal justice system and political systems? How are discrimination and mass incarceration related? How is this different from Feigen? Give summary of the film. Give definition of discrimination.

· Discrimination: actions or practices carried out by members of dominant racial or ethnic groups that have a differential and negative impact on members of subordinate racial and ethnic groups

· US has 5% of the world's population but 25% of the people in the world who are incarcerated

· She demonstrates that slavery has been perpetuated in practices since the end of the American Civil War through such actions as criminalizing behavior and enabling police to arrest poor freedmen and force them to work for the state under convict leasing; suppression of African Americans by disenfranchisement, lynchings and Jim Crow; conservative Republicans declaring a war on drugs that weighed more heavily on minority communities and, by the late 20th century, mass incarceration of people of color in the United States.

· As a result, from the early 1970s to the present, the rate of incarceration and the number of people in prisons has climbed dramatically in the United States, although the rate of crime has continued to decline since the late 20th century. As late as the 2016 presidential election, certain politicians worked to generate fear of crime, claiming high rates in New York City, for instance, which was not true. Crime is lower overall than it has been in decades, but Republican candidates raised it to create fear. Private prison contractors had entered the market to satisfy demand as arrests and sentences increased, forming an independent group with its own economic incentives to criminalize minor activities and lengthen sentences in order to keep prisons full. Politicians and businessmen in rural areas encouraged construction of prisons to supply local jobs, and they also have had incentives to keep prisons full.

· Decades later, studies have shown that private prisons are no more efficient and are often more abusive than those run by the federal or state governments as stated in the movie, 13th. The federal Bureau of Prisons announced in 2016 its intention to stop contracting with private providers for prison services. The over-incarceration of adults has severely damaged generations of black and minority families and their children.

· The 13th amendment to the U.S. constitution makes it unconstitutional for anyone to be held as a slave. There are exceptions, including criminals
Following the Civil War, African-Americans were arrested and imprisoned in mass for extremely minor crimes. Those prisoners were tasked with providing the labor to rebuild the economy of the south after the Civil War, thus making them "slaves" yet again. The 1915 film ‘Birth of a Nation’ depicted the African-American male as a violent, animalistic, out of control, evil, member of society. Sitting president Woodrow Wilson held a private screening of the film at the White House that was viewed as a major cinematic event. The film was widely heralded as a catalyst for the rebirth of the Klu Klux Klan.

· The Nixon administration began the cycle of criminalizing African-Americans struggling with drug addictions, rather than increasing availed resources for treatment and rehabilitation.
· Nixon Advisor John Ehlrichman allegedly admitted that the Nixon Administration intentionally encouraged the public to associate African-Americans with heroin in an effort to disrupt Black communities by vilifying them in the news and creating the false narrative that Black people were vicious criminals destroying the country through drug abuse and distribution.

Black men account for an estimated 6.5% of the U.S. population, however, they make up 40.2% of the U.S. prison population.


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